Tuesday 6 November 2007

Oracle Software : 32 Bit or 64 Bit

I was with a client who had asked me to install oracle on linux 64 bit . It was quite a small task and as a Oracle Consultant it is very easy but the problem I had that ClientDBA had copied the software from CD to server and left and none knew whether the software was 32 bit or 64 bit :(

I could have made my life easy by downloading the correct software from OTN and transfer it to server but again the problem was with the network as it was remote installation .

How to find whether the software is 32 bit or 64bit :

  • Go to Disk3/stage/Components/oracle.options.odm/ in the installation kit.
% cd Disk3/stage/Components/oracle.options.odm/

  • Copy lib.1.1.jar file in a new directory, outside the installation kit

% cp lib.1.1.jar $TMP

  • Unzip the file

% unzip lib.1.1.jar

  • execute "file" command for dmndm.o

% file dmndm.o

This is a file specific to DataMining. If this file is 32 bit, then your software is 32bit. If the file is 64bit, then the software is 64bit

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